AND . . . AWAY SHE GOES on her way to a new home in Paxico. The fellowship hall portion of the Rossville United Method Church was moved north on Rossville Road, west on the Delia road K-63, south to U.S. 24, west to Schoemann Road and south to its…
A new spirit of teamwork filled the Rossville United Methodist Church Sunday, January 30, as a result of the climax of the Pony Express Stewardship Campaign. General Manager Doug French, dressed as a dusty Pony Express rider, gave everyone in the…
DEMOLITION CONTINUES this week on the United Methodist Church in Rossville. The stained glass windows have been removed and placed in storage until the new building is completed, when they will be reinstalled. The fellowship hall portion of the…
The quilters in the back row are (left to right) Minnie Ellis, Grace Hartzell, Daisy Crow, Amy Meade, Ethelyn Fergeson, Myrtle Lillard, Seba Baird, Stella Page, and Edith Word. Pictured sitting down left to right are Vida Whitney, Ella Whearty,…
January 25, 1965: The Friendly Circle Class of the Rossville Methodist Church met Wednesday, Feb. 17, with Golda Cottle. Stella Henderson was assistant hostess for the covered dish luncheon at noon. The day was spent sewing carpet rags.
Present were…
March 1, 1962: WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Rolland Parr on Thursday afternoon, February 23, The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Ruth Larson. Worship service was given by Beverly Gentry and Betty Dick. The lesson was entitled, "The…
January 25, 1962: The Friendly Circle Class met with Stella Henderson January 17 for a covered dish luncheon at noon with Golda Cottle assisting. Those present were Mildred Rupin, Seba Baird, Bess Conley, Minnie Ellis, Minnie Given, Myrtle Lillard,…
January 24, 1963: The Friendly Circle Class met Wednesday, January 16th at the home of Mrs. Stella Page with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Amy Meade was the assistant hostess. The day was spent quilting. Those present were Georgia Lambert,…
Doug French rides his Palomino with his "pay sack" on his back. The Rossville United Methodist Church is ready to start its annual "Pony Express" for church pledges. Photo by Belinda Driscoll.
“Let’s Ride” will be the slogan next Sunday for the…
The Methodist Episcopal Church was chartered and registered with the Secretary of State on June 13, 1881. They shared the Baptist's church building along with the Christians and Presbyterians. Construction of a Methodist church building began in 1884…